Por niñeces y adolescencias libres de matrimonios y uniones, tempranas y forzadas

Socio-Economic Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy in Guyana

The goal of this report is to assess the economic impact of Adolescent Pregnancy (AP) and Early Motherhood (EM) using the methodology MILENA 1.0 developed by the UNFPA. The application of the method with respect to Guyana aims to produce quantifiable evidence of the cost of adolescent motherhood for women and for the society. This evidence highlights the adverse consequences of early motherhood and by so doing should lead to the development and implementation of national policies and programmes geared to its prevention.

Autoría: UNFPA
Año: 2021
País: Caribe Anglófono
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de producto: Estudios e investigaciones
Tags: Costo económico, Embarazo adolescente, Impacto

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