Por niñeces y adolescencias libres de matrimonios y uniones, tempranas y forzadas

Evolution in the evidence base on child marriage 2000–2019

The document presents the findings from our scoping review of the evidence base on child marriage from 2000-2019 precisely to address the question of what ways the evolution of child marriage has paralleled the evolution of this nocive practice as a global priority and how the trajectory for upcoming research and evidence generation and synthesis can be best informed from learning to date. During this 20-year evolution, what has the evidence based contributed to most effectively, and what important gaps remain? Equally, as the field has progressed during this time to present new challenges and opportunities, what new urgencies with regard to the evidence base have emerged?

Año: 2021
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de producto: Estudios e investigaciones
Tags: Advocacy, Literature, Policy Agenda

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